Utilidex News

Ultidex Manages Generation Income Through Automation And Risk Reporting

With over 300 energy generation units signed up with Elexon in the UK operating as balancing parties and many more to be added to close the energy gap, there will be increasing complexity in managing generation trading and settlement, particularly if the electricity balancing regime moves to locational marginal pricing, making the current relatively simple settlement system redundant.  Further, there are also many thousands of embedded generators too small for Elexon and National Grid to r...

Utilidex Explains How To Find Savings By Optimizing CHP Plant

Utilidex is a software company founded in 2012, primarily catering to the energy industry. The company delivers a range of services to support end users, consultants, energy traders, and suppliers with energy data management, billing, trading, and budgeting offerings, all of which are cloud-based under their integrated suite supported by the Microsoft Azure platform. Alongside expansions into new markets in Europe and Australia, Utilidex is also expanding its portfolio with other offerings. Wh...

Utilidex Shares Ways To Reduce The Demand For Energy To Enable A Transition To Net Zero

Carbon Net Zero is high on the agenda for the majority of business’s today and achieving this goal will require a united change from all business’s, small or large. With energy being one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, it is critical that together they play their part in reducing the demand for energy to enable a transition to net zero. Whether users are at the beginning of this journey or have already started to implement a plan, it may all seem a little daun...

Utilidex Starts Their Initiative Now To Support Data Access For All The Customers’ Sites

There is a lot of change in the energy market and one initiative which might have slipped through the horizon scans of Industrial and Commercial /SME/ Public sector segments is the initiative regarding non-domestic smart meter data access. In early June, BEIS published their decision regarding ‘Maximising Non-Domestic Smart Meter Consumer benefits.’ Smart meter data The policy change allows non-domestic customers and their nominated 3rd Parties access to their energy supplier&rsqu...
