Uswitch News

Advice From Uswitch Energy Expert: How To Keep Costs Down While Staying Warm As Temperatures Plummet

Ben Gallizzi, Uswitch Energy, comments: “With UK temperatures dropping into single-digits in the coming days, many people will be looking for ways to keep themselves and their homes warm during this chilly period. Unfortunately, this cold snap coincides with an increase in energy bills for many consumers, as standard variable tariff prices rose on 1st January."  “To keep costs down, it remains important to track your energy usage and change your habits in a safe...

Uswitch Boilers Analyzed Energy Performance Certificates Across Great Britain

After a winter of record-high energy bills, many will be wondering how efficient their boilers are, and whether the type of home they have has an impact on this. The age of a property and whether it is detached, mid-terrace, or otherwise, can all have an impact on how hard a boiler needs to work, and ultimately how heat-efficient the household is. To discover which property type and age has the greatest impact on a boiler’s efficiency, Uswitch boilers analyzed Energy Performance Certifica...

Uswitch Reveals Local Authorities With The Most Efficient Boiler In UK Boiler Statistics

The government’s latest campaign urges people to turn down their boiler temperature to 60 degrees, which is predicted to help save £100 a year per household. To save on energy bills, 56% of residents in the UK have reduced their central heating usage by at least three hours per day in December 2022, according to the survey by boiler statistics report With winter approaching, which regions will benefit from warmer homes and lower energy bills due to...

Ideal Heating’s Boiler Manuals Are The Most Understandable, Uswitch Study Reveals

While almost a quarter of UK residents turn to their boiler manuals to resolve an issue, only 9% have agreed to instructions being simple to follow. That’s according to new research by, which reveals that boiler manuals from the manufacturer Ideal Heating are the easiest to read. boilers statistics As part of their boilers statistics, the experts utilized the Flesch reading ease test to investigate 130 manuals from the UK’s ten most popular boiler manufacturers. The Fl...

Uswitch Highlights Which Regions Will Benefit From Warmer Homes And Lower Energy Bills Due To More Efficient Boilers

To save on energy bills, 56% of UK residents have reduced their central heating usage by at least three hours a day in December 2022, according to With winter approaching, which regions will benefit from warmer homes and lower energy bills due to more efficient boilers? As part of their boiler statistics report, investigated energy performance certificates (EPC) for regions across Great Britain. Based on the performance and costs of hot water and heating systems, they c...

Warm Homes And Lower Bills: UK Regions With Most Efficient Boilers

To save on energy bills, 56% of UK residents reduced their central heating usage by at least three hours a day in December 2022, according to But with even colder temperatures approaching, which regions will benefit from warmer homes and lower energy bills due to more efficient boilers? energy performance certificates (EPC) As part of their boiler statistics report, investigated energy performance certificates (EPC) for regions across Great Britain. Based on...
