Secure I.T. Environments Ltd News

Secure I.T. Environments Upgrades Data Center Cooling Infrastructure At Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Secure I.T. Environments Ltd (SITE), one of the UK’s design and build companies for modular, containerized, and micro data centers, has announced the completion of data center cooling upgrades at Royal Devon University Healthcare, NHS Foundation Trust, that will dramatically reduce energy costs, achieving ROI in under three years. free cooling solution The works, which are the latest in a series of projects SITE has conducted for the trust in recent years, replace existing cooling i...

Secure I.T. Environments Receives A Contract To Upgrade The Air Conditioning Units At NHS Data Centre

Secure I.T. Environments Ltd, one of the UK’s design and build companies for modular, containerized, and micro data centers, announces that it has been awarded a contract to upgrade the air conditioning units at a Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust data center. The existing air conditioning solution had been in place since the data center was originally designed and built by Secure I.T. Environments in 2009 and 2010. Air handling systems The new contract will form part of the Trust&...

Secure I.T. Environments Announces The Completion Of A New UPS Room, AHU And Air Conditioning Upgrade At Principality Building Society

Secure I.T. Environments Ltd, one of the UK’s design and build companies for modular, containerized, and micro data centers, announces the completion of a new UPS room, Air Handling Unit (AHU), and air conditioning upgrade at Principality Building Society in Cardiff, Wales – A mutual building society with over 500,000 members and 160 years of experience. With existing AHU and sensing equipment approaching the end of life, Principality wanted to upgrade to equipment that would offer...
