Polypipe Building Products News

New Research From Polypipe Building Products Highlights The Demand For Renewables And Lack Of Training

The uptake of renewable technology amongst plumbing and heating engineers has risen dramatically following growing demand from homeowners, new research shows. In September 2023, the industry body, MCS, reported that there has been a record number of renewable energy installations in the first six months of 2023 and heat pumps reached a peak number of 3,000 household installations a month for the first time. Renewable installations Furthermore, a survey of 150 domestic heating installers, comm...

New Research From Polypipe Building Products Reveals That Almost Three-Quarters Of Installers Do Not Think Part L Is A Step In The Right Direction

Almost three quarters (71%) of heating installers in the UK do not think that the updates to Part L are a good step in the right direction for the industry and a further quarter (23%) think that the updates to Part L need to go further to have a real impact, according to new research from Polypipe Building Products. This comes as the deadline to comply with the updates to Part L of the Building Regulations, which covers the energy performance of new and existing buildings, passed last month. Th...

Almost Half Of Heating Installers Are Not Aware Of Updates To Part L

Almost half (48%) of heating installers admit that they are not aware of the updates to Part L of the Building Regulations and over a third (35%) said that they do not keep up to date with changes to regulations, according to new research from Polypipe Building Products. This comes as the transitionary period to comply with the new Part L, which covers the energy performance of new and existing buildings, draws to a close this month. From 15th June 2023, all projects will need to adhere to the...

Polypipe Building Products Launches A New Campaign To Support Heating Installers Through The Updates To The Building Regulations

Polypipe Building Products has launched a new campaign to support heating installers through the updates to the Building Regulations as the grace period draws to a close on 15th June this year. The campaign began in March and will run throughout 2023. It kicks off with the launch of the new game show ‘A Question of Regs’ and will include a number of regional events and educational activities to offer installers support through this transition period.  Multi-Faceted campaign...
