Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) News

ASHRAE And OSHA Focus On The Phasedown Of Hydrofluorocarbons - HFCs And Safe Storage Of Flammable Refrigerants

The Phasedown of Hydrofluorocarbons - HFCs is upon us, and it will change how refrigerants are handled, transported, and stored. While a great deal of information has been shared concerning the safe use and transport of flammable refrigerants, little attention has been given to the new storage requirements. Standards and codes for the safe storage of flammable refrigerants will require more space, more sensors, and more safety protocols. Transitioning to Refrigerant technologies When the US P...

Pure Air Control Services Highlight New OSHA Standard Recommendations For Healthcare And Support Services

In June 2021, Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) conducted a review of the latest COVID-19 science, data, and guidance. After consulting with the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), OSHA issued an emergency temporary standard (ETS) for employers, working in healthcare and healthcare support services. However, despite the name ‘COVID-19 Healthcare ETS’, the rule applies to any organization that provides first aid services. This could include schools...
