Industrial Association of House, Heating and Kitchen Technology (HKI) News

TGA Associations Present Updated Version Of The Position Paper On Building Information Modeling

A total of 14 associations from the field of technical building equipment (TGA) have presented an updated version of the position paper on Building Information Modeling (BIM). In the paper, last published in January 2018, with the title, ‘Electronic product data exchange in technical building equipment (TGA) and its integration in Building Information Modeling (BIM)’, the authors formulate two key requirements: Electronic product data are used worldwide. Therefore, the German sta...

Experts From HVAC Industry Associations Favor Initiatives For Wood Heating

Representatives of the Federal Association of the German Heating Industry (BDH), the Federal Association of Bioenergy (BBE), the Industrial Association of House, Heating and Kitchen Technology (HKI) and the Central Association of Sanitary, Heating and Air Conditioning (ZVSHK) spoke to politics today at an event in the Reichstag in favor of a climate policy initiative for wood heating. The share of renewable energies in the heating market is currently around 14 percent. 65 percent of this comes...

BDH Together With Messe Frankfurt And 14 Partner Associations To Organize A Special Show At ISH 2019

Digitally networked heating technology is the focus of this year's technology and energy forum as part of the trade fair ISH. For the eighth time, the Federal Association of the German Heating Industry (BDH), together with Messe Frankfurt and 14 partner associations, is organizing the special show in an area of ​​around 500 m2. Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier has taken over the patronage of the forum. The location is new: for the first time, the exhibition will take place in Hall 1...
