Heat Pump Association News

Heat Pump Association (HPA) Lists Heat Pump Priorities For Future UK Government

The Heat Pump Association (HPA) has called for the incoming UK government to prioritize a number of key initiatives to provide the sector with confidence and clarity. Among what the HPA calls its Key Asks, the association presses for a removal of barriers to heat pump uptake and a reduction in the upfront and running costs. Clear roadmap for policymakers The HPA says its demands in advance of the July general election are designed to provide a clear roadmap for policymakers, ‘ensuring t...

Qvantum Recruits Thomas Nowak As Vice President (VP) Of Government Relations And Public Affairs

Heat pump manufacturer - Qvantum has hired Thomas Nowak as Vice President (VP) of Government Relations and Public Affairs. As Secretary General of the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) - Thomas Nowak has helped to establish heat pumps as a topic in the EU policy environment. For nearly 18 years, he has been the driving force behind making the heat pump technology known and spread throughout the continent. heat pumps Many consider Thomas Nowak to be highly influential in making the concept...

Government Plans To Incentivize People To Install Low-Carbon Heating Systems

Low carbon more efficient heating systems such as heat pumps will be no more expensive – and in many cases may end up cheaper – to buy and run than gas boilers, under government plans being announced on Monday, 18 October 2021. Through the Heat and Buildings Strategy, the government has set out its plan to incentivize people to install low-carbon heating systems in a simple, fair, and cheap way as they come to replace their old boilers over the coming decade. This will significantly...

The Heat Pump Association Helps In Simplifying The Training Pathway For Heat Pumps

Plans to decarbonize Britain’s homes will fail without a rise in heat pump installers, with warnings from the Environmental Audit Committee confirming that the supply chain needs to be strengthened. To see 600,000 heat pumps installed by 2028 in line with the Prime Minister’s Ten Point Plan, one need to see a rapid rise in the number of installers qualified to install the technology. There are over 22 training centers across the HPA membership alone, providing the ability to train o...

HPA Explains The Inevitable Growth Of The Heat Pump Industry

The role of heat pumps in the low carbon heating transition is no longer up for debate. Following consistent recommendations from the Climate Change Committee (CCC) for the mass rollout of heat pumps in both new and existing homes, the Prime Minister’s Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution last year set a target to deploy 600,000 per year by 2028. This signals a huge step forward in the right direction considering that 35,000 heat pumps were sold in 2019; action must be directe...

HPA Releases Report Outlining Steps To Decarbonize The UK’s Heating Industry In The Next Decade

The report aims to substantially shake up the existing frameworks and introduce regulatory, impactful, and meaningful changes in the heating sector, paving the way for the mass deployment of low carbon heating.  The aims of the report are to: Promote changes to establish infrastructure in existing homes for low carbon heating Build and develop installer skills for the recommended changes Lower fuel bills for existing heating systems Lower carbon emissions for existing heating systems...

Heat Pump Association Explains The Essential Role Of The Heating Installer On The Road To Net Zero

The race to net-zero heating is on. If the UK Government is to meet its legally binding net zero emissions target by 2050, installation supply chains for low carbon heating are going to have to be much stronger than they are now. Progressing the housing stock, which consists of some of the oldest and thermally leakiest homes in Europe, to net-zero carbon emissions is a significant challenge. Homes currently account for around a third of current UK carbon emissions and the Climate Change Committ...

Heat Pump Association Launches Vision Report “Delivering Net Zero: A Roadmap For The Role Of Heat Pumps” And Accepts The Decarbonization Challenge

The Heat Pump Association (HPA) has launched its vision report; “Delivering Net Zero: A Roadmap for the Role of Heat Pumps”. The report outlines the heat pump industry’s commitment and readiness to step up to the challenge of delivering the necessary decarbonization of heat through the scaling up of heat pump deployment. The industry’s efforts to establish wide-scale deployment of heat pumps in the UK will be delivered through three key pillars: Putting the consumer a...
