FVB News

FVB Conducts A Follow-Up Study On Europe's Largest Hot Water Reservoir

In Västerås, Mälarenergi is building Europe’s largest hot water reservoir in a rock cavern. The reservoir will hold 300,000 cubic meters of water, which can cover the district heating requirements in the city for up to two weeks. FVB has been commissioned by Energiforsk to conduct a technical follow-up of the reservoir.  Clean-up The rock cavern was formerly an emergency reservoir for fuel oil but was shut down in 1985. It is being turned into a huge hot water reser...

Per Skoglund Is The New CEO Of FVB

Per Skoglund takes over as the new CEO of FVB Sverige AB on January 1, 2023. He has been the Deputy CEO since 2017 and is succeeding Leif Breitholtz. Per Skoglund is taking over the position of CEO during a turbulent time in the world, particularly in the energy sector. ”This is the right time for our services. I feel strongly about the company and want to continue to develop our current business offerings,” says Per Skoglund. FVB From the beginning, FVB has been very strong in di...

FVB Discusses The Right Temperature For A 300-Year-Old Church

“Steam usually maintains a high pressure and temperature in our assignments, but in the beautiful church of Kättilstad in Östergötland Sweden, the pressure is no higher than under the lid of a kettle on the stove when everything is as it should be. That was the challenge,” says Johan Söderberg at FVB, who has worked on a somewhat unusual project. “For some reason, air collected in the cooler parts of the system and built up a counter pressure back there. Th...
