Ecotricity News

Ecotricity Discusses How To Save Energy In Winter

Many users are looking for ways to cut back on their energy use with energy prices at their current high levels. Here are some tips, ones that work to help save energy and stay warm this winter: Central heating is all about time and space The best way to save money is to only heat the spaces user need, only while users are using them. Here’s how to figure it out: Close all the doors in the home and think about all the individual spaces – rooms, hallways, stairwells that create....

Ofgem Offers Market Compliance Review Into Customers Struggling With Paying High Energy Bills

Ofgem requires suppliers to improve help for customers in payment difficulties, following review. The review found three suppliers were found to have severe weaknesses in how they support customers in payment difficulties, as part of Ofgem review; five suppliers were found as having some issues in the support they provide, and all of those identified have been asked to submit information to Ofgem, to set out how they will improve; and other key findings include companies being unable to identif...

Ecotricity Explains Why Are Green Energy Bills Affected By Fossil Fuel Prices And The Energy Crisis

People have been asking this question a lot more lately, and Ecotricity can completely understand why. It seems counterintuitive that the cost of clean green energy should be going up just because of the cost of polluting brown energy. Ecotricity's founder Dale Vince has addressed this in his recent podcast, here are two of the main reasons why they are in the place. Covering the cost of policy failure Ecotricity has recently been hit with additional costs of nearly &pou...

Ecotricity Explains 4 Ways Smart Meters Can Help To Reach Net Zero

Ecotricity’s mission is to fight climate change. By choosing its green energy, every one of its customers is actively reducing the amount of fossil fuel burned to produce electricity in Britain, pushing all towards the goal of net zero. Hitting net zero carbon emissions is vital to prevent a climate catastrophe, Ecotricity says users can only achieve it by generating more green energy and being smarter about how to use it. smart meters That’s where the latest generation of sm...

Energy Saving Tips For Winter By Ecotricity

Energy use in Britain goes up in the colder months and with energy being a lot more expensive than it used to be, many users are focused on what they can do to reduce the amount they use. Every bit of energy saved helps both the climate and bank balances. Here are Ecotricity's top energy-saving tips to cut bills and stay warm in winter. Many of the big savers are quick and simple and are often free. Fine-tune heating Users can save a considerable amount by turning heating down by just 1°...

Ecotricity Launched Campaign To Save Its Gas Boilers From Government

Ecotricity began with a mission to replace electricity made by burning fossil fuels with green energy. It succeeded and aims to replace fossil fuel natural gas with sustainable green gas. Ecotricity launched its latest campaign with the Daily Express, it’s a campaign to save its gas boilers from the government. And they plan to replace them all with heat pumps. carbon zero for heating homes Ecotricity founder, Dale Vince, explains how users can go carbon zero for heating homes quicker a...

Ecotricity Discusses The Advantages Of Having Smart Meters

The days of having someone knock on the door to read the meter will soon be a distant memory due to smart meters. What is a smart meter and why get one? Smart meters Smart meters send meter readings from the house directly to the energy supplier, so users don’t need to answer the door to a meter reader and readings are always up to date, meaning users can wave goodbye to estimated bills and only pay for the energy they use. In other words, a smart meter is just like a traditional gas an...

National Energy Takes A Step Into The Green Age

Since March 2020, Ecotricity founder, Dale Vince, has been working with George Monbiot and the Good Law Project to get the government to review the UK’s Energy National Policy Statements (Energy NPSs) – this is the country’s national planning policy for energy. Just over a year later, in April 2021, we got the news we wanted to hear – the government has accepted our argument and a wide-ranging policy review is underway with the potential to...

Ecotricity Shares 7 Safe Ways To A Greener Festival In 2021

Over 3 million users attend music festivals every year in the UK, creating a staggering 23,500 tonnes of waste. WOMAD is already leading the way in sustainability, with several inspiring initiatives including green energy from Ecotricity and action on recycling, single-use plastics, water, and travel. Whichever events users choose to attend, here are the top tips for a sustainable and safe summer of festivals. Be COVID safe Wide open spaces like those at WOMAD are perfect for keeping us...

Ecotricity Explains Bifacial Solar Panels

As Britain’s greenest energy company, sun parks generate electricity from the ultimate free power source – the sun. Whatever the weather, solar energy is generated when photons from the sun create a flow of electricity in the solar panel, which is why Ecotricity will sometimes see them referred to as photovoltaic panels. The technology used in solar power has come on in leaps and bounds in recent years. One particularly exciting development is bifacial solar panels &ndash...
