Daikin Applied News

Daikin Adopts Risk-Minimization Approach In Light Of COVID-19

The spread of COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus, continues to pick up pace globally and is increasingly a key priority and in view of the growing concern Daikin Applied (UK) Ltd and Daikin Applied Service would like to reassure the customers that they have adopted a risk-minimization approach to ensure minimum disruption to business.   Unfortunately, the onset of the Coronavirus has caused many industry implications, this is a brief update on Daikins supply chain,...

AHRI Makes New Appointments And Presents Awards At Its Forum

The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) held its inaugural Leadership Forum November 11-13 in Tucson, Ariz., during which it elected its new officers and presented awards to industry leaders. "Without these dedicated industry leaders, AHRI would not be the recognized voice of the industry and reliable source for information," said AHRI President and CEO Stephen Yurek. "We are very grateful for their service to AHRI and the HVACR and water heating industry." New appoin...
