Clockworks Analytics News

How Can The Industry Attract Employees To HVAC Careers?

There is a severe shortage of skilled technicians in the HVAC trade, reflecting an urgent need to attract more employees to careers in HVAC. The estimated 80,000 unfilled positions across the United States are the result of multiple trends, from an aging workforce to a lack of training and education. There is also a public perception problem: HVAC jobs are often seen as dirty, sweaty, and unskilled positions. But how can the industry address the problem? We asked our Expert Panel Roundtable: How...

How Can The Industry Address HVAC Challenges In Hospitals?

HVAC systems perform an important function in healthcare facilities, ensuring an environment conducive to healing and optimum health. We asked our Expert Panel Roundtable: How can the industry address HVAC challenges in hospitals and healthcare facilities?  

The Brick Consortium, Inc. Announces Inaugural Commercial Members – Carrier, Clockworks, Johnson Controls, Mapped And Schneider

The Brick Consortium, Inc. (The Brick Consortium), the non-profit membership-led organization that sponsors and encourages the research and development (R&D) of the open source - Brick schema specifications for the built environment, has announced that five companies have joined on as inaugural members: Carrier Corporation (Carrier), Clockworks Analytics, Johnson Controls, Mapped, and Schneider Electric. These commercial members join academic members, who hail from Carnegie Mellon Universit...

"Alliance For Sustainable & Practical IAQ In Real Estate" (ASPIRE) Launches, Provides Framework For Measurable, Sustainable Indoor Air Quality

Five leading indoor air quality (IAQ) organizations announced the formation of a new consortium, Alliance for Sustainable & Practical IAQ in Real Estate (ASPIRE), to help commercial and institutional buildings sustainably achieve indoor air quality.  ASPIRE aims to encourage a more comprehensive, performance-based, and data-driven approach to IAQ for building owners, managers, and operators.  The founding consortium members include Awair, Clockworks Analytics, enVerid Sy...
