ATMOsphere News

ATMO MAC Summit 2024 At TU Berlin On Natural Refrigerants

OEMs from the automotive, bus, truck, and train sectors, suppliers, R&D experts, policymakers, academics, and more will discuss the application of natural refrigerants in mobile air-conditioning (MAC) and heat pump systems at the ATMO MAC Summit 2024 × TU Berlin. The event will be hosted by ATMOsphere, a global market accelerator for natural refrigerant-based systems, and Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin)’s Chair of Heat Transfer and Heat Conversion....

ATMO America Set To Cover Natural Refrigerant Projects And Trends

ATMOsphere, the publisher of, has finalized the program for the ATMOsphere (ATMO) America Summit 2024 on natural refrigerant-based cooling and heating, with sessions on refrigeration and heat pump case studies, end users, market trends, project funding, training, PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) and policy; famed environmental attorney Robert Bilott will deliver the keynote.  13th ATMO America This 13th annual edition of ATMO America will be held Monday,...
