Air-Rite Heating and Cooling Inc. News

Air-Rite Explains Dehumidification For Homeowners

Air quality is important to maintain a happy, healthy home. And one thing that directly affects air quality is humidity. When it comes to maintaining the proper humidity levels in the home, most people automatically think of humidifiers, which have been increasing in popularity. But Air-Rite is going to talk about their equally important counterpart: dehumidifiers. Dehumidifiers can be a game-changer for indoor air quality. The following explains how they can improve the home...

Air-Rite Explains How Do The Components Of The Heating And Cooling (HVAC) Systems Work

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of entering an air-conditioned home on a hot summer day or walking into the warmth of the home after a long day of winter’s cold. Due to the HVAC system, both of these experiences are possible. To continue experiencing comfort and clean air in the home or business, it helps to have some knowledge of the HVAC system components. Users don’t need to be a professional technician to understand how their system works. But know...

Air-Rite Explains Everything To Know About Furnaces

When it comes to winter seasons, the day-to-day comfort depends on the performance and quality of the furnace system. Furnaces are an essential part of the home that needs regular maintenance and upgrades to sustain the longevity of the system. Whether replacing a furnace, wondering how to maintain a furnace, or just simply curious about how a heating system works, this is the ultimate guide. Let’s take a look at everything a user needs to know about furnaces....

Air-Rite Shares Important Tips To Consider While Upgrading The Furnace System

Whether the user is upgrading for high efficiency or replacing a broken furnace most homeowners have never purchased a furnace and some turn to Google for the answers. Air-Rite wants to make the process as easy as possible for the users. Researching how to buy a new furnace can take hours or even longer. There are about 65,000,000 results on Google while searching for new furnaces. There are different brands to consider, as well as equipment sizes, equipment efficiencies, duct modifications, fi...

Air-Rite Explains About Adding Value To The House During COVID-19

While the world’s on pause, users may be itching to finally complete some tasks around the home. Adding value to the house is never a completed job, the user must constantly update, clean, and renovate for when the time comes to sell the property. So what are ways users can add value to the home during COVID?  The value of the home projects and upgrades varies on the market and the current home value. But let’s start with 5 simple projects to increase the value of the home with...

Air-Rite Explains How To Get The Most Life Out Of The A/C

During those hot summer days, users are grateful for the air conditioning system for keeping the home cool and comfortable. But the spike in the monthly utility bill? Not so much. Ultimately many variables go into keeping cool air circulating in the home while saving money and energy. These tips may also help with wall ac units. That’s why Air-Rite has compiled a list of some of the best ways to improve the efficiency of the air conditioner. Get the most life out of the AC with these 5 s...

Air-Rite Heating & Cooling Offers Key Tips On How To Troubleshoot The Home A/C And HVAC System

Is the home air conditioning system not working? When struggling with the AC, sometimes the first instinct is to pick up the phone and contact the local HVAC technician. However, certain AC issues are a lot easier to solve than imagined. Air-Rite Heating & Cooling cares about saving home owners’ time and money. That’s why the company is providing residents with a basic air conditioning troubleshooting guide that details common AC problems and the solutions needed to get their ho...

Air-Rite Heating & Cooling Highlights The Key Steps On How To Effectively Purify The Indoor Air In Homes

During these difficult times, it may dawn on home owners that their home air quality could contain harmful bacteria and infectious diseases. With the shortage of common household disinfectants, such as Lysol and other cleaning agents, home owners might feel concerned and wonder about the best ways to protect their family from viruses. More than ever, air purification systems are an essential solution to combat contaminants that may be floating around in your home. Air-Rite Heating & Cooling...
