Efficiency - Expert Commentary

How Do IoT Sensors Improve Building Performance?

Sensors have been used in buildings since the invention of air conditioning to understand how buildings are performing, from in-room temperature sensors, to sensors on plant equipment, motors, ductwork and pipes. The Internet of Things (IoT) has enabled more sensors of different types to be deployed in more locations throughout the building easier than ever before. The point of installing and using IoT sensors is to gain deeper insight into how buildings are performing, and ensure buildings ar...

HVAC Maintenance - What To Do And When To Do It

In the summer of 2018, a customer was facing a real problem – their resident satisfaction at two properties needed some work, and they were just about to hit the hot summer busy season – which can be notoriously difficult if residents experience air conditioning issues. Fortunately, they were able to implement a preventative maintenance and HVAC asset management solution at one of their properties. At this property the customer wound up doing only 3% unplanned replacements out of 30...

Residential HVAC Remains Resilient to COVID-19: Nears Pre-Pandemic Growth

A global pandemic is a scenario that few big corporations have plans for, let alone small businesses. The emergence of COVID-19 has affected nearly every industry worldwide. All businesses have been forced to pivot, adapt, and at times, completely reinvent their operations to survive. Looking at data from tens of thousands of Home Service professionals, Jobber’s Home Service Economic Report: Spring Edition sheds light into how segments such as Contracting, which includes the HVAC industry,...

Driving Better Power Quality in Buildings

Building HVACR systems rely increasingly on variable speed drives (VSDs) – known sometimes as variable frequency drives (VFDs) - to optimize the energy efficiency of their electric motors. However, it makes sense to pay attention to the significant impact that VSDs and other equipment can have on the network’s power quality. Here, we look at how ultra-low harmonic VSDs can improve the power quality in buildings by eliminating troublesome harmonics at their source. Typical examples o...

How HVAC Professionals Can Learn, Adapt, and Successfully Lead COVID Reopening Efforts

The current Coronavirus pandemic and the corresponding socioeconomic crisis has dealt a brutal blow to public and residential facilities alike, as businesses and management bodies worldwide are challenged to constantly ensure that their spaces are safe and healthy for occupants. As the entire world has been forced to adapt to what’s been commonly referred to as “the new normal,” one broad-ranging area has come into critical focus as a priority with a heightened sense of fear a...

How HVAC Companies Can Increase Their Mobility In Uncertain Times

The disruption caused by coronavirus has put almost every business to the test. Special regulations have had to be rolled out for essential workers across many industries, including those in HVAC industry. Staff within these industries are key in preventing further disruption from adding to the already significant pressure on consumers and businesses in the current climate. While having to adapt to new working environments and an altered economic landscape themselves, it’s now imperative t...

Smart Technology Brings Zone Comfort To Today’s Connected Homes

Many of us are spending more time at home. Given that work and home lives are becoming more intertwined, it makes sense to create a “comfort zone” in the place where people spend the most time. I am speaking about the benefits of zoned HVAC comfort control through duct-free split systems.  Imagine offering your customers the ability to cool their bedroom at night without having to cool the whole house. Maybe they want to cool their home gym to 68 degrees while leaving the playr...

HD-PLC Technology: A New Communication Standard Enabling Future Smart HVAC Systems In Smart Buildings

Around the world, advanced building automation systems (BAS) in smart buildings are driving demand for smarter HVAC systems. Modern HVAC systems can improve energy efficiency and mitigate potential health problems associated with indoor air quality and ventilation. In fact, HVAC improvements and building controls are expected to be a big U.S. investment in 2021. But capitalizing on this opportunity will take more than smarter HVAC systems. It’ll require a smarter approach to communication...

Evaporative Cooling Systems in Our Daily Lives

Behind most modern portable and fixed evaporative cooling systems is a component known as rigid evaporative media. At first glance, this component appears to be a simple block of corrugated cardboard-like material. Outside appearances are often deceptive though, and this is most assuredly the case with evaporative media. Within the intricately and proprietarily designed flutes and angles is the ability to cool many everyday aspects of our lives, from data centers that support our daily online li...

4 Tips For Effectively Managing A High-Growth Residential HVAC Business

Residential HVAC is a fulfilling business to be in. Whether be it servicing a furnace or installing an air conditioning unit, the individual is doing important work to help keep families in the community safe and comfortable. The work also comes with perks such as good margins, some great customers, and the ability to set varying pricing and schedule. If an individual is in a growing business in this space, chances are that they have seen more than a few hectic days. Days where it becomes diffi...

Smart HVAC Cloud-Computing Solutions For A Changing World

The profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the HVAC industry is being felt by all of us in the HVAC industry. The current challenges and threats have been well documented and, unfortunately, will continue to evolve over the coming days, weeks and months.  However, as with many tragic events, there can be positive changes that come from this tragedy. One of these positive changes will be the more rapid development and deployment of smart HVAC systems and remote asset management solutio...

Underfloor Air Conditioning Technology And The Sustainable Way To Service Space

Underfloor air conditioning has come of age. Worldwide, major developers are embracing this technology for its height-saving benefits in new builds, and headroom increases in refurbishments. With the ever-growing focus on sustainability in the construction industry, building designers must take advantage of new technologies to improve sustainability and adaptability. At the same time, there is pressure to deliver reduced costs in the design process, whilst also improving the ease and speed of b...

Now Is The Time To Prepare For A Boom In Heat Pump Sales

As the UK continues to battle through the coronavirus crisis, HVAC business owners and installers can be putting some of their enforced downtime to good use. This period of subdued trading is a rare opportunity to get into better shape for when economic activity picks up. One way of doing this is by sharpening the focus on markets which promise strong growth – and few markets are growing faster than that for heat pumps.   The potential here is huge. Some 28,000 heat pumps are current...

Three Step Approach To Reoccupying Buildings Post-Coronavirus

Businesses need to take a three-step approach to reoccupying their buildings after the pandemic. The first focus is on preparing the building itself – maintenance inspections and conducting any maintenance which was put on hold. The second focus should be on preparing and training the maintenance team so they’re ready for the new normal. And the third step is preparing the workforce in advance through clear communication about what to expect when they return to work and what the orga...

Strategic Electrification And The HVAC Industry’s Role

Strategic electrification encompasses a host of solutions aimed at decarbonizing Earth’s atmosphere, decreasing pollution and reducing the costs of modern comfort and technology. Also known as “beneficial electrification”, this movement requires increased energy efficiency and end uses powered with electricity from cleaner grids and renewable sources. The movement will transform both the built environment and society’s modes of transportation. Despite the complexity of i...
