Bryant 986TA36040V17 4-Way Multipoise 2-Stage Variable-Speed Gas Furnace
Manage utility costs with high-efficiency comfort: 96% AFUE
4-way multipoise design for upflow, downflow or horizontal installations, with unique vent elbow and optional through-the-cabinet downflow venting capability
Enjoy the ultra-quiet performance and even-temperature comfort of variable speed air delivery
Two-stage operation allows longer, more consistent heating cycles on low stage for savings and comfort
Perfect Heat™ technology means consistent comfort by adjusting system operation to changing conditions
Perfect Humidity™ technology removes more moisture than a standard furnace during cooling operation (when installed with a matched air conditioner or heat pump)
Fan On Plus™ technology lets one choose between four speeds of continuous fan operation with a compatible control
Propane convertible
Insulated cabinet for quieter operation
External filter cabinet makes filter changes easier