Eur Ing Christopher Northey

Eur Ing Christopher Northey
Eur Ing Christopher Northey
Immediate Past President, CIPHE - Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering

Chris Northey is the Immediate Past President and Committee Member - Election & Enrolment Committee (EEC) at The Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering along with being the committee member - Audit & Remuneration Group of IHEEM, Associate Director – Urban Systems Design Limited, Liaison Officer of Engineering Council, and Professional Review Interviewer of Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). He is also the Co-Founder of the Society of Public Health Engineers (SoPHE) and CIBSE Young Engineers Network (YEN). Prior to this, Chris was the National President of CIPHE, Member Board of Trustees of R70L (The Rumford Club 70th Anniversary Legacy), Executive Council Member of Institute Of Domestic Heating & Environmental Engineers Limited, and Associate Director, Team Leader at ChapmanBDSP, President of IHEEM,   Committee Member - Fellowship & Incorporated Engineer Panel at CIPHE, Council Member of The Chartered Institution Of Building Services Engineers. He was also the Board Member and Chairman- Professional Bodies Forum at Summit Skills, Senior Public Health Engineer at Zisman Bowyer & Partners, Council Member of Plumbing & Heating Industry Alliance (PHIA). Chris received the BTEC Ordinary & Higher National Certificates in Building Studies at Cornwall College, before achieving the BEng (Hons) Building Services Engineering Design & Management degree at Reading University in 1996.
