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In 1970, some American doctors noticed an outbreak of hypersensitivity pneumonia among employees working in offices with air conditioners.

The symptoms were, by analogy, similar to the ones induced by the Hong Kong flu, a disease that between 1968 and 1969 caused more than one million of deaths in the United States and it is now known as the “Sick building syndrome (SBS)."

“Clear Clima®” conditioning systems

The research determines that conditioning systems with degraded ducts, insufficient air ventilation, and poor maintenance of filtering parts, instead of renewing and sanitizing air, become the principal vehicle for bacteria, fungi, and other polluting microorganisms harmful to human health.

With more than 750 installations all over the world, Standard Tech certifies its constant research and application of the most evolved sanitization criteria of our “Clear Clima®” conditioning systems.

“Unigen Plus®” air handling unit

“Unigen Plus®” air handling unit created to be sanitized manually or automatically, multi-filtering sections with modular protection, and “Velo-ce®“ air distribution systems composed of a special cross-linked fabric resistant to frequent washing, are only some of the constrictive criteria developed by Standard Tech to give efficiency to the following sanitation operations in order to avoid disease transmissions related to low quality of air environment.

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