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SO Energy talked extensively about how to save energy in the home on its website and in many face-to-face office conversations. With energy prices rising, it’s never been more important to save energy, and so for a new perspective, it asked customers for their energy-saving tips.


  • Have an energy champion

Have someone in the home whose responsibility it is to check lights are off, the thermostat is turned down and no appliances are left on standby needlessly. 

  • Only fill the kettle with what is needed

If users are just making tea or coffee for one or two people, try filling the cups with cold water first then empty the water from the cups into an empty kettle. This way they only heat exactly the amount of water they need.

In winter it may be useful to fill a large jug of icy cold water from the tap into a large jug and let it stand in the kitchen where it will slowly come to room temperature in time for the next drink and pour this water into the cups then into the kettle. Save not only energy but time as well. When boiling a kettle store any surplus hot water in a flask and do the washing up with it.

  • Use timers on appliances

Users always forget to turn off chargers like cellphones, tablets, and electric toothbrushes, so they waste a trickle of power all the time. Users use a simple timer that shuts them all off after 4 hours.

  • Plan ahead

Knowing on and off-peak charges and organizing washing  throughout the week in one session

SO Energy has found that planning and organizing are key to saving energy. Knowing on and off-peak charges and organizing washing (so that it has time to dry naturally in the house) throughout the week, setting off-peak timers on things like the dishwasher, and baking/cooking things in batches in one session.

Make a meal plan for the week (or even better the month) to be able to freeze and cook to save not just money but energy by having multiple things cooking at once and not turning the oven on and off and waiting for it to warm. It’s not easy with children but find a routine that works for users.

  • Close doors that don’t need to be open

Close doors so the thermostat works off the living area rather than a larger area of unoccupied rooms which are also fitted with radiator valves

  • Keep an eye on the smart meter

Since having a smart meter, users have started looking into ways to save on power.

SO Energy uses the dishwasher on the longest cycle which to my amazement works out cheaper and does a better job.

  • Avoid this one

Too cheap and lazy to use a draft excluder (cf recent BBC blog on this topic) so rolled up a carpet off-cut and wedged one end under the door.

It is much harder to use than a draft excluder and it is not to be recommended.

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