Technology & Trends - Humidifiers

Keeping HVACR Systems Up And Running In Changing Climates

“If you don’t like the weather in New England, just wait a few minutes.” To this day, Mark Twain’s quote is used to describe quickly changing weather conditions in regions throughout the United States, United Kingdom, and elsewhere. However, in contrast to the weather, the climate change being experienced globally is creating nontraditional conditions that are much more permanent. Consequently, HVACR systems are being subjected to a new set of conditions that, if not ad...

COVID-19 and the Renaissance of Digitalized HVAC

It is said that the COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the single biggest driving forces behind the digitalization of industries ever seen. And although not new within HVAC infrastructures – especially within the food retail environment where it has been rolled out extensively – remote management and automation of HVAC systems is increasingly being used to support supermarket responses to COVID-19. From air filtration through to dynamic scheduling, digitalization of HVAC within the...

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