14 Feb 2024

West Branch Local School District in Beloit, Ohio, USA, will be implementing a multi-phase, energy-saving infrastructure upgrade of their student learning environment. Trane® by Trane Technologies, a global climate innovator, has collaborated with the district to develop and implement each of the energy savings measures.

The district is undertaking a major infrastructure upgrade in three of its buildings; West Branch High School, West Branch Middle School, and Damascus Elementary.

New upgrades to replace outdated systems

The completed upgrades will replace outdated systems and address deferred maintenance, help reduce rising energy and operational costs, and help to create a more comfortable academic environment.

They are expected to save the district more than $200,000 in energy and operational costs annually.

Federal Inflation Reduction Act

Performance accord helps the district to pay for the upgrades via future reduced energy consumption

Improvements will include HVAC equipment replacement, LED lighting upgrades, and a thermal energy storage system. The system’s ice tanks act as a battery for a building’s air conditioning system, allowing the district to shift the electrical demand for cooling to off-peak, nighttime hours. The upgrades are already underway and expect to wrap up early 2025. 

The improvements were funded through a combination of federal Inflation Reduction Act funds and a performance contract from Trane. The performance contract enables the district to pay for the upgrades through future reduced energy consumption and operational savings. Performance contracting is a funding option that provides measurable results to support educational objectives.

Innovative STEM learning programs

The district and Trane are also collaborating to bring two innovative STEM learning programs to West Branch district students in the Fall 2024 school year. The first, BTU Crew, is designed to help create a foundation for STEM learning in students in grades 4-7 and then bring it to life in grades 8-10. The program turns schools into energy learning labs with integrated lessons and project-based learning activities. 

Students enrolled in the district’s industrial maintenance program will be able to participate in data analytics education that leverages the energy usage data from the district’s controls system to offer hands-on STEM learning experiences.

Data Analytics Certifications

The practical skills gained through this education will help bridge the gap between classroom instruction and the needs of the workforce.

It also prepares students for two Data Analytics Certifications through the National Coalition of Certification Centers (NC3), which allows students to earn additional, third-party, industry-recognized credentials. These programs support Trane Technologies’ commitment to creating pathways to green and STEM careers in support of its Sustainable Futures program.