7 Feb 2022

Viessmann supports the "Zeit zu starten" ("Time to start") training initiative of the Zentralverband Sanitär Heizung Klima (ZVSHK) ("Central Association for Sanitation, Heating and Air Conditioning"). As part of its V+ partner program, Viessmann has also launched a trainee campaign to support its partners in their search for trainees with a communication offensive, among other things.

climate protection

This is because there are currently almost 30,000 open apprenticeship positions in the German skilled trades sector which means that every second apprenticeship position remains unfilled. Yet every new solar module installed or every new heating system operated by a heat pump results in a concrete, measurable contribution to climate protection.

As part of the campaign, a video from Viessmann was shared on social media, which was viewed by thousands of people shortly after it was published. The video is also made available to tradespeople for uploading to their company websites.

reduce CO2

Without a rapid refurbishment of the buildings, we have no chance of achieving the climate targets"

Thomas Heim, Deputy CEO of Viessmann Climate Solutions, said "Without a rapid refurbishment of the buildings, we have no chance of achieving the climate targets. We urgently need to change to reduce CO2 on a large scale."

He adds, "Too little is happening in Germany: just 1.5 percent of the building stock has currently been refurbished. We must act together. That is why we support the training initiative of the ZVSHK. I am sure: the next generations will be 'climate heroes'."

climate policy goals

Helmut Bramann, Managing Director of the ZVSHK, said "The new federal government has set very ambitious climate policy goals for the industry. For the SHK trade, it is clear that the tasks set cannot be implemented with the current workforce alone."

He adds, "It is also clear that young people who start their careers in our sector are not only actively working for climate protection, but are also involved in one of the most versatile future professions that Germany currently has to offer."

"Time to start" initiative

If you define climate targets, you must also commit to attracting the qualified young professionals needed to achieve them"

Helmut Bramann continues, "Therefore, if you define climate targets, you must also commit to attracting the qualified young professionals needed to achieve them! In addition to a great commitment by the entire industry, I therefore hereby appeal to our federal government to politically support the nationwide junior staff advertising initiative 'Zeit zu starten' (Time to start)!"

heat transition

Markus Staudt, Managing Director of the Bundesverband der Deutschen Heizungsindustrie (BDH) (Federal Association of the German Heating Industry), said "The tasks that lie ahead of us in the context of the energy and heating turnaround are huge. Manufacturers already offer all technical solution options for achieving the climate targets in the heating sector."

He adds, "However, it is crucial for the success of the heat transition that we also have enough skilled workers to implement the heat transition on site. Campaigns such as "Zeit zu starten" ("Time to Start"), but also the activities of the manufacturers, make an important contribution to getting young people excited about our trade and thus about a job with a secure future."