21 Nov 2022

When it comes to financial planning for the household there’s always extra expenses that pop up especially during the summer and winter months.

Summer is time for vacations and excess utility costs from running the air conditioning. 

Extra discretionary income

Come winter, its holiday expenses and rising costs for heating. For most families, these higher utility costs can really tighten their budget in a time where they could use some extra discretionary income for gifts or trips.

Here at Van Drunen they know how important it is for customers to manage their costs

So, when it comes to heating and air conditioning, which is the one that’s really breaking the bank? Users may be surprised to know that heating costs in the winter tend to be significantly higher than air conditioning costs in the summer.

Here at Van Drunen, they know how important it is for customers to manage their costs, so check out these five helpful tips to lower the heating bill this winter. 

Get Regular Maintenance

Just like any other system, the heating system needs to have its regular maintenance and repairs. While upkeep has a price, it’s much riskier (and more expensive) to wait until the system totally collapses, before dealing with it. 

Regular services can find issues before they become too large and fix them for a fraction of the cost of a replacement. Maintenance before the winter season can provide specific upkeep to make sure the system is ready for the coming weather.

Van Drunen are happy to help in setting up a regular maintenance schedule to make sure the equipment is in prime shape, in order to keep residents warm in the winter.

Increase heating costs

Those hearty winter soups and casseroles may be good for more than just a home-cooked meal

In summer it’s time to shed as much of the clothing as possible and throw open the windows, but it’s just the opposite in winter. Bulking up in sweats, layers, and other warm clothing can help keep users comfortable without having to increase heating costs. 

Those hearty winter soups and casseroles may be good for more than just a home-cooked meal. Cooking with the oven and other appliances can actually help up the temperature in the home. It’s like killing two birds with one stone, and just one more great reason to bust out grandma’s heart (and body) warming home-cooked recipes.

Top notch level

As always, efficient equipment can go a long way in keeping the systems running at a top notch level and ends up saving money in the long run. 

Though there is an upfront cost, switching the thermostat for a new, upgraded version can save users more money in the long run. Newer thermostats are built specifically for energy efficiency, helping users cut costs with no thought or action on their part. Another thermostat trick in both summer and winter is to keep that thermostat set at a neutral level.

Keeping users comfortable

Users may love to have their entire home full of warmth on a cold winter’s night but not upping the heat beyond a necessary level can save money while still keeping users comfortable.

While it would be nice to heat the whole home in winter it may not always be necessary. If users have extra rooms, bathrooms, or other areas that don’t get frequent use consider restricting the heat to these areas. Close the vents in unused rooms to help funnel the heat where it needs to go most. They can even adjust this throughout the day, directing heat to the living room first and then to the bedrooms at night.