3 Nov 2021

With the UK finally out of lockdown many professionals are once again heading to their offices to complete their working day. Over the past 18 months, the task of accessing CPD (Continuing Professional Development) hours by HVAC engineers and professionals has been a real challenge but SPX Cooling Technologies quickly identified the issue and has been running online webinars that offer CPD hours throughout the global lockdown.

SPX will continue to deliver these online sessions, but following feedback from customers and contacts, it has been learned that many attendees would appreciate face-to-face sessions delivered in a safe socially distanced manner to cater to those firms that choose to maintain lockdown protocols.

Continuing CPD sessions

SPX Cooling’s Dimitri Rocchiccioli said, “We understand that many professionals accessing CPD sessions thrive on the interactions and conversations that arise from the subjects being covered. Large conferences have been canceled and postponed for all the right reasons, but small, one-company sessions in a virtual format are a great step forward.”

For that reason, our UK colleagues have begun scheduling Microsoft Teams and Zoom sessions and delivering educational presentations to small classes. The feedback has been extremely positive, and we are keen to offer these services to more companies.”

Available presentations

The presentations currently available are:

  • Cooling Tower Fundamentals
  • Cooling Tower Siting
  • Cooling Tower Sound – Performance and Measurement
  • Crossflow vs Counterflow Cooling Towers