21 Jan 2021

Since the autumn of 2019, Malmegårds Fastighets AB im­ple­mented a modern and in­no­v­a­tive control system, which reg­u­lates the heat supply to the building by indoor tem­per­a­ture instead of tra­di­tion­ally con­trol­ling by outdoor tem­per­a­ture. By de­vel­op­ing the existing control system, the energy op­ti­miza­tion service Leanheat has helped Malmegårds to minimize the peak demand, lower the energy con­sump­tion and improved the indoor climate for the res­i­dents.

Malmegårds Fastighets AB has worked with energy ef­fi­ciency for over 30 years and consumes nearly 40 percent below the average of the public utility. Over the years, Malmegårds has con­ducted ad­di­tional in­su­la­tion of attics, sealed windows and in­stalled ef­fec­tive steering in their prop­er­ties through­out the Stock­holm area. The real estate company has also in­te­grated remotely con­trolled energy steering as well as in­stalled en­ergy-ef­fi­cient ven­ti­la­tion units.

Reducing energy consumption

“We have worked for a long time in order to reduce the energy con­sump­tion. By in­vest­ing in new tech­nol­ogy, we can reduce our energy con­sump­tion and climate impact,” says Fredrik Håkansson, CEO at Malmegårds Fastighets AB. Col­lab­o­ra­tion between Malmegårds and Danfoss’ Leanheat solution has resulted in sig­nif­i­cantly lower energy con­sump­tion

But the company also aspired to be in the fore­front re­gard­ing tech­nol­ogy for energy op­ti­miza­tion in their prop­er­ties. The previous and more tra­di­tional system only con­sid­ered the outdoor tem­per­a­ture and there­fore did not utilize the energy created by the sunlight and heat from the res­i­dents.

After a meeting with the Finnish energy op­ti­miza­tion team (which is part of Danfoss as an energy op­ti­miza­tion unit with a solution known as Leanheat), a test was con­ducted of the company’s AI-based IoT-so­lu­tion which monitors, controls and op­ti­mizes the indoor tem­per­a­ture in the build­ings with district heating as it si­mul­ta­ne­ously min­i­mizes the peak demand and improves the indoor climate for the res­i­dents.

self-learn­ing software

We really wanted to utilize the existing control system and develop it, which was possible with Leanheat. With an in­te­gra­tion of the existing system and an in­stal­la­tion of apart­ment sensors, it enables us to easily monitor the tem­per­a­ture and humidity in real-time. The flexible Leanheat service has proven well and fa­cil­i­tates the work for us, property owners,” says Fredrik Håkansson.

The col­lab­o­ra­tion between Malmegårds Fastighets AB and Danfoss’ Leanheat solution has resulted in sig­nif­i­cantly lower energy con­sump­tion. They have even managed to reduce the peak demand through the use of self-learn­ing software.

We can see a sig­nif­i­cant drop in the energy con­sump­tion. We have managed to es­tab­lish a better foun­da­tion to control the tem­per­a­tures in each apart­ment. If an imbalance occurs, we can easily adjust it. However, this is our first step with Danfoss – in the future we want to create a greater balance in the prop­er­ties and minimize the maximum energy con­sump­tion,” Fredrik Håkansson con­cludes.