21 Apr 2020

Johnson Controls will upgrade infrastructure and enhance building systems throughout 21 schools of Wolf Creek Public Schools in central Alberta.

The upgrades, which include the installation of intelligent LED lighting fixtures, efficient boiler upgrades, rooftop unit replacements and piping insulation upgrades, will create energy and operational savings and improve the environment for students and staff. The first of three initial project phases, which was completed in January 2020, is enabled through an Energy Performance Contract (EPC).

Energy Performance Contract

The EPC will help Wolf Creek Public Schools use guaranteed savings to offset the cost of the project while creating more space within its budget for additional upgrades and student resources.

The first phase includes the following facilities:

  • Bentley School
  • Bluffton School
  • Crestomere School
  • Rimbey Elementary School
  • Rimbey Junior/Senior High School
  • Eckville Elementary School
  • Eckville Junior/Senior High School

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

The project has also supported the economic prosperity of the surrounding communities"

By improving operational efficiencies, we’re helping Wolf Creek Public Schools create a more comfortable, sustainable and productive environment for students to learn and excel,” said Andrew Nartey, Performance Infrastructure™ account executive at Johnson Controls. “The project has also supported the economic prosperity of the surrounding communities through our work with qualified local talent in Ponoka, Red Deer and Alberta.”

The improvements will reduce Wolf Creek Public Schools greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by approximately 210.6 tonnes and help generate over $55,000 in annual savings in the first year.

A comprehensive list of upgrades includes:

  • LED lighting
  • Boiler
  • Variable flow pumping
  • Rooftop unit
  • Piping insulation
  • Flush tank urinal control
  • Air-conditioning

Improving infrastructure and energy spend

We are excited about this partnership with Johnson Controls and using an Energy Performance Contract to enable enhancements quickly and all at once. The upgrades will create more efficient and comfortable facilities and learning environments, and will ultimately benefit our students and staff. We are pleased to make that a reality through the school division,” said Roger Hall, secretary-treasurer at Wolf Creek Public Schools.

Johnson Controls has a long history of working with K-12 schools and educators throughout North America to create environments that inspire and engage both students and faculty. Through Performance Infrastructure™ projects, they have helped 1,018 schools modernize equipment and building systems, improve infrastructure and energy spend, and address on-going maintenance needs.