14 Dec 2022

George Oliver, Johnson Controls Chairman & CEO discusses the need for innovation and smart technologies that can tackle the current built environment to achieve net-zero goals during a sustainability leadership interview with Emerging Markets Intelligence & Research (EMIR), a Dubai-based advisory firm.

He spoke about the accelerating growth in the Middle East and the contribution of Johnson Controls in how sustainable building infrastructure is developed and operated, and the need for the public and private sectors to collectively work to reduce carbon emissions.

Indoor Environmental Quality

We’re excited about where we are. The last couple of years has only accelerated our journey because it has brought health and safety into focus but at the same time accelerated commitments to net zero and we (Johnson Controls) do both.”

We are ultimately positioned for our customers to elevate indoor environmental quality and at the same time, we’re reducing energy usage by 30 to 50 percent. That’s been our vision. It’s been lots of learning; it’s been a transformation of an incredible company of assets that is now repositioned to be able to solve one of the world’s biggest problems,” said Oliver.