19 Oct 2018

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has appointed the Institute of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM) to develop hydrogen standards for ‘Hy4Heat’.

‘Hy4Heat’ is a range of inter-related work packages that will form a feasibility study to establish whether it is safe, practical and technically possible to employ hydrogen as a zero-carbon replacement for the natural gas that we currently use.

Alternative fuel source feasibility study

Martyn Bridges, Director of Technical Communication and Product Management at Worcester Bosch stated “IGEM’s appointment is just the beginning for hydrogen as an alternative fuel source.  We welcome the appointment of IGEM to lead this feasibility study, not least because the task ahead looks increasingly difficult to undertake so it will need to be expertly handled.

He adds, “Current gas safety standards are quite mature and so, any shortfalls or oversights in the legislation have long since been remedied. As such, here at Worcester we’ll be eagerly awaiting the new standards from IGEM and are prepared to respond accordingly when initial drafts are put out for comment.

Pioneering gas safety

Martyn concludes, “The £25 million ‘Hy4Heat’ project marks just the beginning on the road-map to decarbonizing our economy. The government’s appointment of IGEM is a tangible step towards ensuring that the UK’s history of pioneering gas safety is preserved and developed. It’s essential that we continue to evolve and develop how we source our energy infrastructure.