26 Sep 2024

As the colder months approach, HVAC tradespeople are being called upon to be proactive in tackling condensation, dampness, and mold in rental properties.

The callout comes from Elta, the UK’s pioneering air movement and air quality specialist, and follows on from the recently proposed introduction of Awaab’s Law to the private rental sector (PRS) through the Renters’ Rights Bill that was brought before Parliament recently. With more than 5.8 million homes in the UK experiencing condensation-related issues, there is an increased role to play for ventilation specialists in ensuring legal compliance and maintaining healthy indoor air quality.

Right ventilation solutions

HVAC professionals will be key to ensuring these homes meet the new standards

Awaab’s Law — named after Awaab Ishak, a two-year-old boy who died from mold exposure in his poorly ventilated home — will see new responsibilities on social landlords to remedy damp and mold issues within strict timelines.

As this law extends to private rentals, HVAC professionals will be key to ensuring these homes meet the new standards and must be equipped with the right ventilation solutions to meet growing demand and tighter deadlines under Awaab’s Law.

Four key tips of Elta

To help ventilation installers, Elta offers four key tips in preparation for the upcoming condensation season:

  • Upgrade and optimize ventilation systems: HVAC professionals should assess existing ventilation setups and recommend upgrades where necessary. Continuous mechanical extract ventilation (MEV) and decentralized MEV (dMEV) systems, as part of a ventilation strategy, are proven solutions to help control indoor moisture levels year-round. Both provide continuous airflow, preventing the buildup of condensation that often goes unchecked in poorly ventilated properties.
  • Ensure compliance with Awaab’s Law and building regulations: Awaab’s Law demands fast response times and proper remediation of mold-related hazards. Being familiar with the latest Building Regulations and Approved Document F, which outlines ventilation requirements – means ventilation professionals can ensure installations comply and strengthen their relationships with landlords.
  • Prepare for high demand and supply chain pressures: Due to the fast-approaching winter season and the introduction of Awaab’s Law to the private rented sector, demand for high-quality ventilation equipment is expected to rise. To ensure they have access to a reliable supply of fans, extractors, and PIV units to meet the surge in demand, ventilation professionals should familiarize themselves now with the latest products and their applications, and where to source them from. To help installers, they can head to the Elta Trade website, where they will find a range of Elta’s products suitable for ventilating residential and commercial properties, as well as a list of stockists.
  • Offer landlords expert advice: HVAC professionals are in a strong position to advise landlords on the best solutions for preventing condensation and ensuring tenant health. By discussing modern ventilation systems and the benefits of continuous ventilation solutions with landlords, ventilation professionals can help them avoid costly legal actions and reduce the risk of dampness and mold.

Effective ventilation solutions

David Millward, Product Manager at Elta Group, said: “Autumn and winter is the perfect time of year for those in the HVAC industry to become trusted advisors to their landlord clients. Awaab’s Law and the Renters’ Rights Bill is a major shift for the social housing and private rented sector, and HVAC contractors can help ensure compliance, improve indoor air quality, and enhance tenant wellbeing."

The extension of Awaab’s Law places ventilation professionals at the heart of ensuring tenant safety and regulatory compliance. We’re encouraging all HVAC tradespeople to prepare for this by understanding the new requirements and offering landlords effective ventilation solutions.”