21 Jan 2019

Following a Met Office warning of potential extreme UK weather such as ‘The Beast From The East 2.0’ the Heating and Hotwater Industry Council (HHIC) are reissuing their customer information guide on frozen boiler condensate discharge.

Stewart Clements, Director, HHIC said; “We are acutely aware that in extreme weather conditions external pipework carrying water is at risk of freezing, particularly when there is a high wind chill factor.

As a result, the HHIC have updated current industry guidance which is primarily designed to be used by the heating engineer to explain the risks and the remedial action required to homeowners who have a ‘not to current standards or manufacturers instructions’ installation. The guide also details a step by step explanation of what you would need to do to resolve the problem in the event that the condensate pipe was to freeze.”

Condensate discharge pipes

If a pipe freezes, it will cause the boiler to go into “shut off” at a time when householders need their heating and hot water the most.”

In the vast majority of cases, such problems occur where the condensate discharge pipe is located externally to the building for some part or all of its length. Condensate discharge pipes should be connected to an internal point. Where it is not possible to connect the boiler condensate discharge pipe to an internal point, the HHIC guide details what action should be taken- such as external pipe insulation