14 Sep 2021

Eurovent’s Product Group ‘Residential Air Handling Units’ (PG-RAHU) has just published the first release of its Guidebook on Residential Heat Recovery Ventilation Units. On 44 pages, the free-of-charge publication provides a comprehensive overview of all essential information on this important technology.

The Guidebook was prepared in cooperation with REHVA (Federation of European Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Associations).

Overview of guidebook

This Guidebook provides a comprehensive overview of residential heat recovery ventilation, regarding design, construction, and operation. The first two parts are focused on system design and sizing. The third part regards residential ventilation units, which are at the heart of the system.

It discusses their essential functions, features, and performance indicators, which should be considered at the design stage. The last chapter addresses system commissioning and operation.

Authority Comments

Xavier Boulanger of ALDES, Chairman of the Eurovent PG-RAHU stated: “In most cases, heat recovery ventilation is the best air exchange solution in moderate and cold climates. This Guidebook provides fundamental principles of engineering combined with practical hints based on the expertise of Eurovent members.

Igor Sikończyk, Senior Technical and Regulatory Affairs Manager at Eurovent and PG-RAHU Secretary added: “The Eurovent Residential Heat Recovery Ventilation Guidebook is primarily targeted at installers and planners but also contains important information for end-users. We are confident the wide industry will enjoy this publication.

Updates and download

The newest Eurovent Guidebook ‘Residential Heat Recovery Ventilation Units’ can now be downloaded in the Eurovent Document Library. The Guidebook will be regularly updated with the aim to cover an increasing number of regions and application areas. The Eurovent PG-RAHU is happy about any feedback or requests, which can be directed to email.