20 Sep 2024

The Climaset s.r.l. energy costs optimization algorithm works by smartly combining the heat pump and the water heater. The regulation software calculates which of the two energy sources it’s the cheapest to use in every moment.

By inserting the energy needs of the house, the yield curves of the energy sources, the price of the fuel, and the price of the electricity per unit of measurement, the Climaset s.r.l.’s algorithm real-time calculates the hourly cost of operation and, accordingly, it uses the cheapest energy source between the heat pump and the water heater.

Free photovoltaic overproduction

The photovoltaic overproduction (if present) lowers the hourly cost of the heat pump. When there is a major free photovoltaic overproduction, the Climaset s.r.l.’s radiant regulation allows to store thermal energy inside the house.

With the function “photovoltaic overproduction” enabled and if the heat pump is active, winter setpoints are raised and summer setpoints are lowered by an offset choosen by the user.