11 Mar 2019

As World Plumbing Day approaches on Monday 11 March, 2019, calls are being made for the UK Government to take action on avoidable scalding and burn injuries. Figures from the Chartered Institute of Plumbing & Heating Engineering (CIPHE) show a worrying rise in the number of incidents, highlighting that developed countries still have problems, when it comes to safe water within the home.

According to NHS Hospital Episode Statistics for England, the CIPHE has found that from 2017-2018:

  • 755 finished consultant episodes were allocated to people, who were treated in hospital for scalding from taps, up from 713 (nearly 6%) on those admitted the previous year.
  • 962 finished consultant episodes were allocated for individuals treated for burns, caused by contact with heating appliances, radiators, and pipes.
  • Scalding and burns are up from 914 the previous years and 840 the year before, leading to a 14.5% rise in just three years.

Rise in home burn cases

Medical professionals count bath water scalds among the worst injuries anyone can suffer

With people most at risk in their own homes, the rise in cases is a worrying trend, especially as children, the elderly, and the disabled are the most vulnerable to injury. In fact, of the 755 finished consultant episodes allocated to scalds from taps last year, a staggering 185 were for children aged under-four.

To put it in perspective, medical professionals count bath water scalds among the worst injuries anyone can suffer, with scalding injuries every bit as painful and destructive as burns suffered by victims of fires or explosions.

Plumbing-related contact burns

When it comes to plumbing-related contact burns, the picture is a little different, with 178 finished consultant episodes allocated to children, under the age of four years and 111 finished consultant episodes that involved older people, in the age group of 85-89 years. Sadly, age-related issues, such as dementia are also on the rise, going hand-in-hand with the rise in burns and scalding incidents in the older generations.

Through its research, the CIPHE is one of a number of bodies, including the Bathroom Manufacturers Association (BMA) and the Children’s Burns Trust (CBT), concerned at the apparent lack of burns awareness among the masses. Not only is it issuing warnings to consumers about the risks that lurk in plain sight in homes, but it is also calling on the Government to do more.

A burn or scald injury is for life

Scalding is a particularly widespread problem, with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) estimating that overall UK scalding figures were at some 2,500 cases per year. The Health and Safety Executive states a death rate at around 20 deaths per year.

Kevin Wellman, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the CIPHE said, “The saddest thing about these incidents is that they are nearly always accidental and can be prevented. We need to reduce the risk by raising general awareness of the dangers in our homes, and change legislation to enforce the use of protective devices such as Thermostatic Mixing Valves (TMVs).

Kevin adds, “We also need to ensure that all those working on plumbing and heating systems are qualified and competent to do so. Professional plumbing and heating engineers will always put the safety of their customer first.

Thermostatic Mixing Valves (TMVs)

TMVs blend hot and cold water to a safe controlled temperature at the shower, tap or bidet outlet

Thermostatic Mixing Valves (TMVs) blend hot and cold water to a safe controlled temperature at the shower, tap, or bidet outlet, significantly reducing the risk of scalding. While it is a legal requirement that baths in new-build homes have a TMV installed, it is not a requirement in older properties. Given the rise in scalding injuries, the CIPHE is urging the Government to extend the legislation to make their use compulsory in all homes.

Kevin Wellman warns, “The elderly can be particularly vulnerable to the effects of scalding, as they often live alone, in older homes, which feature outdated plumbing technology. If you have an elderly at home or vulnerable people under your roof, you should consider having a plumbing system health check carried out by a professional plumber to ensure your systems are safe.

Advice on how to avoid burns and scalds

He further adds, “If you need remedial works, TMVs can cost as little as £30 to buy, and while they must be regularly serviced, it is little price to pay when you look at the lifelong physical, mental and emotional pain scalding can bring.

The CIPHE has issued the following advice to help families avoid burns and scalds:

  • When filling up the bath, always run the cold water tap before turning on the hot water tap.
  • Always test bath/shower water temperature first, before entering, or allowing a child/vulnerable adult to enter.
  • If the home does not have them already, installing Thermostatic Mixing Valves (TMVs) will greatly reduce the risk of scalds, as the devices mix water to a safe controlled temperature at the outlet.
  • Remember to have the TMVs (and your plumbing system) regularly serviced.
  • Upgrade the shower to a model that includes a built-in Thermostatic Mixing Valve.
  • Consider installing low surface temperature radiators or radiator covers, if there are particularly vulnerable people within the home.
  • Ensure heating appliances are out of reach.
  • Home owners may also need to consider insulating any low-level hot pipework.