14 Jun 2024

Designed specifically for Hillphoenix CO2 systems, ChargeSecure minimizes downtime and offers peace of mind during power outages and service events by maintaining charge. When the power comes back on, the system can restart immediately – helping stores get back up and running faster.

ChargeSecure automatically kicks in when it detects a power outage and/or pressure increase beyond a pre-defined threshold. It maintains the CO2 pressure in the flash tank by compressing it into the gas cooler and then expanding it back into the flash tank.

Conventional charge preservation units

Requiring only 1.5A to operate, Hillphoenix says it uses 6x less energy than conventional charge preservation units. In addition, a backup battery ensures prolonged periods of continuous operation.

It can be mounted on the wall or floor – anywhere within 15ft (4.6m) of the rack – indoors or outdoors. With no heat exchanger, it is also compact with a footprint measuring just 12.75in x 18.8in (324mm x 478mm). For retrofits, ChargeSecure features easy plug-and-play integration into existing Hillphoenix CO2 racks. Hillphoenix will be offering factory-installed ChargeSecure units in new racks.