6 Jul 2022

Low Carbon Homes is launching a new event series - ‘Meet-Ups’ - the first of which on 6 July 2022, gives installers direct access to a network of distributors and fellow installers, as well as those in Government driving policy and regulatory change.

The groundbreaking Heat Pump for Installers Meet-Up - to be held on Wednesday 6th July 0830-1130hrs online - provides the opportunity to ask questions to those who are already experienced in heat pump installations and find out what’s involved with pivoting business to get ahead of the crowd.

Meet-Up's are free

As a highly participative event with a clear purpose Low Carbon Homes want to achieve an appropriate balance of participants.

Recognizing that this event needs to primarily attract installers and maintenance teams but other elements of the supply chain may also be keen to attend, Low Carbon Homes may need to limit the number of non-installer attendees and prioritize attendees from organizations who are supporting the event.