1 Jul 2020

All Belimo locations are operating with a high level of product availability. Thanks to the remarkable efforts of the company’s employees worldwide, they have been able to cope with this pandemic in such an excellent way as that their customers did not experience any increase in lead times or lack of availability of their products. At the same time, the company was maintaining safety and health of their employees as their top priority in all their facilities worldwide.

Several authorities globally have confirmed that Belimo is an essential business, therefore, the company should feel obligated to try everything to ensuring continued supply to their customers. They thank each of their employees for their tireless commitment which enables the business continuity of their operations.

ensure safe working environment

All Belimo locations remain working with strict measures to ensure a safe working environment. If current conditions are to remain stable, Belimo does not expect to experience any general increase in product lead times or availability. If the circumstances around this situation warrant, measures will be adjusted, and a new communication will be made.