9 Jan 2019

Digitally networked heating technology is the focus of this year's technology and energy forum as part of the trade fair ISH. For the eighth time, the Federal Association of the German Heating Industry (BDH), together with Messe Frankfurt and 14 partner associations, is organizing the special show in an area of ​​around 500 m2.

Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier has taken over the patronage of the forum. The location is new: for the first time, the exhibition will take place in Hall 11.1, Stand C06. The main topic is networked heating technology in smart home.

Modern heating technology

The Technology and Energy Forum provides information on the status quo and the future of modern heating technology

The digitization of heating technology makes an important contribution to climate protection and makes the coupling of the heating, electricity, and mobility sectors possible in the first place. In addition, digital solutions offer the user a plus in convenience,” explains BDH President Uwe Glock.

The ‘Digital Star’ exhibit, which consists of real products, shows how the interaction of modern heating technology with producers and other consumers, controlled by a Home Energy Management System (HEMS), actually works. Using selected scenarios, the visitor can experience how the individual components interact with each other and what potential savings are possible. In addition, the Technology and Energy Forum provides information on the status quo and the future of modern heating technology.

Relevant industry topics

The multimedia exhibition with numerous information materials and lectures offers a compact overview of technical solutions based on different energy sources, the political framework conditions in the heating market, and the current funding policy.

Experts from companies and associations give lectures on relevant industry topics

On all days of the fair (except Tuesday), half-hour lectures in German and English will take place on the forum between 11:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Experts from companies and associations give lectures on relevant industry topics and are available for discussions. Tuesday will be dedicated to the ISH partner country France. To this end, the BDH is organizing a German-French colloquium. The media partner of the Technology and Energy Forum is the Krammer Verlag, which will report on the forum daily with its Internet station SHK-TV.

Technology and Energy Forum

  • The partner associations of the Technology and Energy Forum:
  • Alliance for Building Energy Efficiency (geea)
  • BDI initiative ‘Energy Efficient Buildings’
  • Federal Solar Industry Association (BSW)
  • Federal Association of Heat Pumps (BWP)
  • German Energy Wood and Pellet Association (DEPV)
  • DIN standards committee for heating and ventilation technology and their safety (NHRS)
  • German Gas and Water Association (DVGW)
  • EEBus Initiative eV
  • Building Climate Association (FGK)
  • Professional Association for Efficient Energy Use eV (HEA)
  • Industrial Association of House, Heating and Kitchen Technology eV (HKI)
  • Institute for Heat and Oil Technology V. (IWO)
  • Business initiative Smart Living
  • Zukunft Erdgas eV