20 Sep 2019

Good news for climate protection: "The tax incentives for the energetic modernization of the outdated building stock that have long been required by our industry and the energy industry are actually coming and will especially accelerate the replacement of the 12 million boilers in German cellars," says Uwe Glock, President of the Federal Association of the German Heating Industry, BDH.

Climate protection project

The association also calls the ‘exchange bonus for oil boilers and other heating systems operated exclusively on fossil fuel’ decided by the federal government a suitable instrument for finally mobilizing the immense CO2 reduction potential that a heating exchange offers.

BDH Managing Director Andreas Lücke: "After these key points have been published, the resolutions need to be specified quickly, so that investors, industry, and trades can quickly gain certainty about the framework conditions and the climate protection project can be started immediately. An important point in terms of content is that the Federal Government is all open to technology includes efficiency technologies marked with an A label by the EU in its funding.”