1 Jul 2020

The BDH welcomes twelve new member companies to its ranks. The BDH's general assembly had previously spoken out in favor of admission at an extraordinary meeting. The new members produce ceramic chimneys or elements for such systems.

The BDH is thus expanding the exhaust technology department, in which up until now only the manufacturers of stainless steel exhaust systems were represented. “It is expedient to bundle the interests of the producers of exhaust systems in one organization. In the political arena, in particular, there are many overlaps that affect both materials in the same way. The manufacturers of both technologies will benefit equally from the merger,” emphasizes Andreas Lücke, General Manager of the BDH.

Safe thermal recycling

The BDH will intensify PR and marketing activities for exhaust technology for both materials

In particular, the clean and safe thermal recycling of wood to achieve climate targets will be a focus of the political association's work in the future. In addition, the BDH will intensify PR and marketing activities for exhaust technology for both materials.

So far, the twelve companies were organized in the IPS Initiative pro Schornstein eV. At the will of its members, the association will cease its activities on June 30, 2020 and is now in the process of dissolution. The following companies have joined the BDH:

  • Angerer Baustoffwerk GmbH
  • Frey & Sohn Kaminwerk GmbH
  • Hart-Keramik AG
  • Karl-Heinz Schreyer GmbH
  • KLB Klimaleichtblock GmbH
  • Plewa heat and energy GmbH
  • Raab Schornsteintechnik GmbH
  • Tona Tonwerke Schmitz GmbH
  • Tonwerk Venus GmbH & Co KG
  • Westerwälder Elektro Osmose Müller GmbH & Co.KG
  • Wienerberger GmbH
  • Wolfshöher Tonwerke GmbH & Co.KG