9 Feb 2018

The Federal Association of the German Heating Industry (BDH) welcomes the measures for the heating market contained in the draft coalition agreement of the CDU / CSU and SPD. In particular, the technology-open design of the funding framework is approved by the association.

By 2030, 13 million completely outdated heat generators have to be replaced in order to achieve the climate target. To resolve the renovation backlog, all available efficiency technologies are required - in addition to heat pumps, fuel cell heating systems, biomass boilers, and hybrid systems, as well as highly efficient condensing technology, ” comments BDH President Manfred Greis.

By 2050, the system technology has to be renewed twice anyway, and in most of the building stock more or less complex structural measures are required before a heat pump can fully exploit its efficiency potential there. That costs time and money. It is therefore advisable in many cases to proceed step by step and use a condensing boiler or a hybrid system as quickly as possible.”

Building Energy Act

The BDH also rates the merging of the EnEV, the EnergieeinsparG, and the EEWärmeG to form the Building Energy Act (GEG) and the associated reduction in bureaucracy in regulatory law.

The association's clear commitment to tax incentives for energy-efficient building renovation also meets with the approval of the association. "This instrument will ensure a noticeable revival in the market if it is designed correctly," says Andreas Lücke, General Manager of the BDH.

The central associations of the German economy BDI, BDEW, DGB, ZDH, and dena have presented a position paper. In the and significantly co-designed by the BDH and ZVSHKThe associations demand a deduction from the tax liability amounting to 30 percent of the investment amount over a period of three years for owner-occupied residential property. The total duration of the program should be ten years.