20 Jan 2023

BDR Thermea Group, a global manufacturer of smart indoor climate solutions and parent company of the UK heating solutions manufacturer Baxi, has acquired heat network company Fortes Energy Systems.

Fortes Energy Systems is an internationally active specialist in collective heat and cold networks for residential, utility, and industrial use. The acquisition represents the group’s expansion of its customer energy transition solutions portfolio. Its solutions combine a comfortable indoor climate, high hot water comfort, optimal system efficiency, and low energy consumption.

Heating and cooling technologies 

Strengthening BDR Thermea’s expertise in heat networks, Fortes Energy Systems’ product portfolio includes heat interface units, delivery stations for heat and cold distribution systems, and distributors for underfloor heating and cooling.

For Baxi in the UK, the acquisition represents strengthening its sustainable heating expertise and technologies to support the energy transition in homes and commercial premises.

Heat networks

Heat networks will play a key role in decarbonizing heating, alongside heat pumps, hybrids

Heat networks are among the most cost-effective ways of reducing carbon emissions from heating, benefiting from economies of scale and taking advantage of local waste heat opportunities. Heat networks will play a key role in decarbonizing heating, alongside heat pumps, hybrids, and in time, hydrogen technologies.

Karen Boswell, Managing Director of Baxi UK and Ireland, said, “At Baxi, we are well equipped to drive sustainable development across the full range of low carbon heating and hot water solutions thanks to the expertise here and from BDR Thermea in Europe."

Energy transition 

"With acquisitions such as these, we can strengthen across multiple solutions and provide our customers with the products, expertise, and training they require to decarbonize heat in the UK."

"We know there is no silver bullet technology to decarbonize heat, so the stronger we can be across heat networks, heat pumps, hybrid systems, and hydrogen technology, the better we can support in the energy transition.

decarbonize heating

Bertrand Schmitt, CEO of BDR Thermea Group, said, “The world needs a mix of technologies if we are to decarbonize heating successfully. In fact, at BDR Thermea we often talk about what we call 4H: heat pumps, hybrids, hydrogen, and heat networks."

"Bringing Fortes Energy Systems into BDR Thermea means we can offer the full range of options to help accelerate the energy transition for heating.”