15 Sep 2020

To help facilitate remote HVAC management during the on-going COVID-19 global pandemic, Armstrong Fluid Technology has announced that it will extend, until the end of 2020, the offer of free subscriptions for its cloud-based remote asset management and analytics service platform, Pump Manager.

The original offer of three free months of Pump Manager service to new customers was scheduled to expire in August but we recognize that there is still a need to maintain social distancing wherever possible,” said Tunji Asiwaju, Global Performance Management Services with Armstrong.

Tunji adds, “Pump Manager helps buildings operate at peak efficiency without the need for onsite monitoring.

Pump Manager

Pump Manager is a highly secure IoT-enabled remote asset management and analytics service

Pump Manager is a highly secure IoT-enabled remote asset management and analytics service that provides pump performance tracking, viewable from any location using a phone, tablet or laptop. The platform provides real-time notifications, as well as trending and analysis across multiple platforms, to ensure optimum performance and secure operation.

Pump Manager can notify maintenance engineers and/or service technicians if there is a problem, so that they arrive on site with the appropriate tools or replacement parts, fully equipped and prepared to solve any existing problem. This process also helps eliminate any in-person meetings, which is not advised in the current period, as per the COVID-19 safety protocols in place.

Armstrong Connectivity Kit

Existing Design Envelope pump customers can request an Armstrong Connectivity Kit (Router and GSM SIM card) with instructions on how to install it. Pump Manager can be activated on new pumps and is included at no extra cost with the purchase of an extended warranty package.