7 Feb 2019

The following statement regarding the pre-publication release by the Department of Energy (DOE) of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Process Rule can be attributed to Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute’s (AHRI) President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Stephen Yurek.

He said, “As the trade association representing manufacturers of HVACR and water heating equipment, we work closely with the Department of Energy, as it fulfills its Congressionally-mandated duty to set America's appliance energy efficiency standards.

NOPR to update the Process Rule

We are very pleased that DOE has issued a NOPR to update the Process Rule"

Stephen Yurek adds, “We are very pleased that DOE has issued a NOPR to update the Process Rule, a rule that is critical to making the efficiency rulemaking process transparent, predictable, and timely. While we are still reviewing the proposed rule issued today, we are pleased that it includes one of our most important priorities - Requiring the establishment of equipment test procedures prior to updating efficiency standards.

He further said, “That step alone is a significant improvement over prior practice, but the enhanced transparency and predictability for manufacturers, along with a long-overdue standard for evaluating the economic justification for rulemakings, are also very welcome. We appreciate the issuance of this NOPR and we look forward to working with all stakeholders to make this rule the best it can be - for manufacturers, for energy efficiency, and for consumers.

AHRI and its member companies remain committed to energy efficiency standards, established through a transparent, predictable, and timely process.