The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) will host three educational sessions at the AHR Expo, taking place January 14–16, 2019, in Atlanta, Georgia. The sessions are free and no pre-registration is required.
AHRI Directory of Certified Product Performance — Workshop
1/15/19, 1:00 PM — 4:00 PM
Convention Center Room B214
The Importance of Humidity in Modern Buildings (1 LU Hour)
1/15/2019, 9:00 AM — 10:00 AM
Convention Center Room B316
Attendees will learn about the importance of humidity control within buildings, especially as it pertains to human health and wellness, and industrial applications. Topics include an introduction to humidity and humidity measurement, the causes of seasonal dryness, an overview of applications, and the impact of humidity on occupants.
Learning Objectives
- Fundamental humidity control terminology
- The cause of dryness in buildings
- The impact of humidity on process applications
- The impact of humidity on human health
Safety, Innovation, and Other Benefits of CSST in Residential and Commercial Applications
1/15/2019, 2:30 PM — 3:30 PM
Convention Center Room B313A
Attendees will learn about corrugated stainless steel tubing’s (CSST) relative safety, innovation, and other benefits as compared to traditional steel gas tubing installation. The presentation will highlight the advantages of using CSST in both residential and commercial applications, comparing CSST to other types of gas piping used in similar applications.
Variable Frequency Drives: Method of Test and a Case Study (1 LU Hour)
1/15/2019, 4:00 PM — 5:00 PM
Convention Center Room B313A
Attendees will learn how Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) can improve energy efficiency. Topics will include an introduction to VFD, a summary of certification to AHRI 1210, and an introduction to ASHRAE 222, followed by a case study demonstrating energy savings.
Learning Objectives
- Identify components to a VFD
- Describe how a VFD operates and recognize the various torque demands on a VFD
- Understand the energy savings of using a VFD
- Identify the rating conditions of AHRI Standard 1210/1211
- List steps of setting up a laboratory VFD test