3 Oct 2019

Upon failure of Warners old air conditioning equipment at Bourne in Lincolnshire, Adcock recommended replacement of the entire system.

This project involved removal of the old R22 refrigerant from the site, which, from 1st January 2015 became illegal to charge virgin into any refrigeration or air conditioning system.

Air conditioning equipment

Along with the benefit of new air conditioning equipment, substantial energy savings are being realized by Warners due to the modern inverter controlled equipment which offers greater efficiencies. The customer also benefits from extended warranties for all installed plant.

Warners have been a customer of Adcock since 1997 and the original R22 installation was carried out by the engineers over 20 years ago. Mark Durno, Warners Facility Manager commented: "A very good installation again from your chaps.” They value their long standing relationship with the customer and look forward to delivering solutions to them for the next 20 years.