20 Dec 2021

The HVAC market is moving fast. Supply shortages, technology trends and regulatory issues all converged and had a profound impact on the industry in 2021, even as the lingering impact of the COVID-19 pandemic also made a mark. Looking back at the top articles of the year at HVACInformed.com, as measured by those that received the most ‘clicks’ on the website, provides a decent summary of how the industry evolved in 2021.

Top 10 articles posted at HVACInformed.com in 2021

Timely and important issues in the HVAC marketplace dominated HVACInformed.com’s list of most-clicked-on articles in 2021. In the world of digital publishing, it’s easy to know what content resonates with the market: Our readers tell us with their actions; i.e., where they click.

Let’s look back at the Top 10 articles posted at HVACInformed.com in 2021, which generated the most page views. They are listed in order below with a brief excerpt.

Supply Shortages, High Prices Plague Summer Outlook

Disruptions in the nationwide supply chain that began during the COVID-19 pandemic have still not been resolved

Disruptions in the nationwide supply chain that began during the COVID-19 pandemic have still not been resolved. Shutdowns last summer played havoc with the supply of parts and suppliers are still playing catch up, as raw materials remain scarce.

Furthermore, prices are going up among some components and key raw materials. Waiting times for parts can run into weeks or even months.

2021 Technology Trends in the HVAC Industry

In the HVAC space, the year 2020 provided us with opportunities for growth and change, as we adjusted to the ‘new normal’. The COVID-19 pandemic halted work in some facilities altogether, earlier in the year. The pandemic has brought with it a re-energized interest in the air quality around us, especially in the public sector.

Energy efficiency will be an ongoing issue into the foreseeable future. Once we have looked back at 2020’s carbon emission reductions (because fewer people were flying and driving), there will be no turning back. The same can be said for HVAC. Increased efficiency will continue to be an ongoing pursuit in 2021 and beyond.

What Are the HVAC Challenges for The Education Market?

School districts today have needs that far outweigh funding. Healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) is a major need, but how do schools prioritize IAQ, aging facilities, technology, and infrastructure?

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on state and local revenue for schools is hard to overstate, and many states have yet to return to revenue levels, depressed by the Great Recession. That’s impacted teacher staffing, capital expenditures on facilities, instructional technology, maintenance – everything.

What Technologies Will Define HVAC In 2021?

The year, 2021 is going to be defined by the transition to low-GWP refrigerants. 2020 ended with the passage of the American Innovation in Manufacturing Act, or the AIM Act, which gave the U.S. EPA, the authority to phasedown HFC refrigerants, in much the same manner it phased out Ozone Depleting Substances, under the Montreal Protocol.

The U.S. EPA has 270 days from the legislation’s enactment to produce its HFC allocation rule. At the same time, the agency will be determining the baseline that it will use to develop its phasedown schedule.

CO2 Levels in Buildings Correlate with COVID-19 Spread

Broadly speaking, poor ventilation of indoor spaces can increase the likelihood of aerosol transmission

The amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in a poorly ventilated indoor space depends on the number of people, who exhale their breath in that space. And, aerosol virus contained in exhaled breath is a common way that COVID-19 germs are spread. Therefore, might the CO2 level in a given space serve as an approximation of the likelihood of coronavirus (COVID-19 virus) spread?

Broadly speaking, poor ventilation of indoor spaces can increase the likelihood of aerosol transmission, and a higher CO2 level is an indicator of insufficient ventilation.

What Is the Impact of The Internet of Things on HVAC Market?

Internet of Things (IoT) continues to develop rapidly. While many residential IoT applications are commonplace, such as smart thermostats, smart doorbells, smart cameras, etc., there is an increased demand in HVAC and IoT in commercial real estate applications as well.

One such idea is remote monitoring using HVAC systems, in combination with smart thermostats and indoor air quality products, to remotely monitor several variables in tenant-occupied spaces. One such application is managing energy efficiency of HVAC units by monitoring unit condition and preventing breakdowns before they happen, thus increasing operational and energy efficiency (as well as resident satisfaction, in multi-family communities).

Role of Next-Gen Refrigerants in Economic and Environmental Recoveries

With refrigeration sitting at the heart of some of the biggest industries, across the globe, including food commerce, healthcare, manufacturing and technology, decisions on refrigerant technology tap into the heart of the debate around environmental credibility, consumer expectations and economic recovery.

So, how can businesses balance the need to adopt more environmentally preferable refrigerants, with the urgent need to boost revenues?

What Are the Emerging Career Opportunities In HVAC?

Sustainability is a fast-developing area of expertise, supported by the HVAC industry

There has never been a more exciting time to join the HVAC industry, as the influence of our profession spreads beyond its traditional scope. In addition to those with traditional engineering skills, it is interesting to consider other areas, where HVAC plays a key role.

Sustainability is a fast-developing area of expertise, supported by the HVAC industry and there are numerous career opportunities for those passionate about the Green Agenda. Collaborating with architects to design low-energy buildings, in order to reduce CO2 emissions, is something many of those starting a career will find interesting.

COVID-19 Transforms UV-C Systems to Mass Scale Production

During the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, UV-C systems have surged from a niche market to mass production, capable of meeting historic demand levels. As a result, UV lamp manufacturers, as well as their component providers (e.g., glass suppliers), have struggled to meet the growing demand.

Because of UV-C’s historic proven effectiveness, interest in and orders for UV disinfection equipment have increased exponentially, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lessons from the Past: The Value of Ventilation in A Pandemic

The most commonly cited parallel to the COVID-19 pandemic is the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. Both diseases are caused by viruses that had not been seen before. In both cases, no one had immunity to a highly infectious germ that was spread through respiratory droplets.

Both outbreaks occurred in multiple waves over several years. Furthermore, in both cases, it became clear that ventilation, fresh air, open spaces and sunlight are useful factors in promoting good health.